direct debits

美 [dəˈrekt ˈdebɪts]英 [dəˈrekt ˈdebɪts]
  • n.直接借记;直接扣账
  • direct debit的复数
direct debitsdirect debits

direct debits


  • 1
    N-VAR 直接借记;直接扣账
    If you pay a bill by direct debit, you give permission for the company who is owed money to transfer the correct amount from your bank account into theirs, usually every month.

    Switch to paying your mortgage by direct debit.


  1. As well as direct debits at the point of sale .


  2. Checks , credit transfers and direct debits can be denominated in them ;


  3. Arrange for all your standing orders and direct debits to come out of your high-interest account as late in the month as possible .


  4. Work out how much you pay every month in standing orders , direct debits and other regular payments . Include your rent or mortgage , insurance payments and all your utility bills .


  5. Criminals use stolen bank details to set up direct debits to pay for goods and services they will benefit from , such as mobile phone accounts , pay TV or gym memberships .


  6. Subtract this total from your monthly salary . The remainder is yours to spend as you like , so transfer it into your regular current account , leaving the money for your direct debits in your high interest account .
